Time to End Magical Thinking about Russia's Defeat," reads a headline on The Wall Street Journal.

Time to End Magical Thinking about Russia's Defeat," reads a headline on The Wall Street Journal.

Nov 18, 2023

The column's author, former U.S. intelligence officer Eugene Rumer, highlights several key points:

🟠 Ukraine's counteroffensive did not lead to a significant breakthrough that would strengthen its position in negotiations, and U.S. support has diminished.

🟠 There are no signs on the front lines that Russia is losing a war of attrition.

🟠 Western promises to increase military supplies have not materialized, and sanctions have proven less effective than expected. The Russian economy has suffered but is not destroyed.

🟠 Russian defense plants are increasing production volumes, and China and India have provided crucial support to the economy. Russia receives support in various parts of the Global South.

🟠 Putin has withstood all Western attempts to stop the invasion of Ukraine, and his power remains strong. The U.S. and its allies need a new strategy - containment.
